Nevada State Specific Information

Will, Trust, Power of Attorney, and Estate Planning

Official state laws:

Minimum age requirement to:

  • Distribute property by will: 18 (Section 133.020)
  • Which minor gets property: 18 to 25

Holographic will recognized (Section 133.090)

State taxes:

  • Estate tax: Equal to the maximum federal credit for estate taxes(Section 375A.100)
  • State gift tax:Inheritance tax: No inheritance tax (Section 375A.100)
    • No state gift tax(Section 375A.100)
    • Anatomical Gift Act (Section 451.500 to 451.590)
  • Inheritance tax: No inheritance tax (Section 375A.100)

Default rules: How property is distributed if there is no will, i.e. (laws of intestate succession): (Section 134.040 to 134.160)

  • No surviving spouse, but there are surviving children:
    • All of the estate goes to the surviving children split equally among them or to their children in accordance to their per stirpes share
  • Surviving spouse and
    • Children of surviving spouse:
      • If there is only one child that survives you, then all of your community property and one-half (1/2) of your separate property will go to your surviving spouse, and the other one-half (1/2) to your surviving child or to their children in accordance to their per stirpes share
      • If more than one child survives you, then all of your community property and one-third (1/3) of your separate property will go to your spouse, and the other two-thirds (2/3) will go equally to your surviving children or to their children according to their per stirpes share
      • Children not of the surviving spouse (for example your children from a previous marriage):
        • If there is only one child that survives you, then all of your community property and one-half (1/2) of your separate property will go to your surviving spouse, and the other one-half (1/2) to your surviving child or to their children in accordance to their per stirpes share
        • If more than one child survives you, then all of your community property and one-third (1/3) of your separate property will go to your spouse, and the other two-thirds (2/3) will go equally to your surviving children or to their children according to their per stirpes share
        • No children and both of your parents of deceased:
          • All of your community property and one-half (1/2) of your separate property will go to your surviving spouse, and
          • The other one-half (1/2) will go equally to your siblings or to their children according to their per stirpes share. If no siblings, then to the spouse
        • No children, but at least one of your parents survives you:
          • All of your community property and one-half (1/2) of your separate property will go to your surviving spouse, and
          • The other one-half (1/2) will go equally to your surviving parents
  • At least one parent survives you, but no surviving spouse or children:
    • All of your estate will pass to your surviving parents equally
  • No spouse, children, or parents:
    • Siblings (brothers and sisters) equally or to their children in according to their per stirpes share. If none, then to your next of kin

Who must be named as a beneficiary in your will: see details in statute (Section 131.160 and 134.005)

  • Surviving spouse must be given:See statute for others (Sections 133.160 and 134.005)
    • One-half (1/2) of your community property (Section 123.250)
    • See statute for others (Sections 133.160 and 134.005)

Effects of changes in your marital status on your will:

  • You are divorced from the surviving spouse:
    • If will was signed prior to entry of divorce decree, then the will is revoked (Section 133.115)
  • You get married without changing your will that does not provide for your new spouse:
    • Revokes will as to spouse, unless will expressly provides for spouse, but spouse may still be entitled to shares under state intestate law (Section 133.110)

Out of state executors: Must appoint co-executor or must get court approval (Section 139.010)


  • Minimum number of witnesses required: Two; electronic wills are valid (Section 133.040 and 133.085)
  • Are witnesses allowed to be beneficiaries?: No, unless there are two other disinterested witnesses  (Section 133.060)
  • Requirements to be a witness, witnesses must be an adult, and no other restrictions apply

Property ownership (Sections 111.060 and 111.065):

  • Community property state
  • Bank account deposits held jointly are payable to any survivor named in the bank account
  • Tenancy by the entirety is not recognized in this state
  • Tenancy in common and joint tenancy is recognized

Other types of wills:

  • Self-proving wills recognized: Yes, recognized (Section 133.050)
  • Living will: Nevada Declaration (Section 449-610) determination of by a doctor that your death will occur without the use of life-sustaining medical care